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Welcome to Themultilife's help section.

Here you can find some info on what this website is about and how to use its features. So let's begin.

Themultilife is Social network with a big difference to other websites in its class. The members can be from every culture and can speak every language. The members can follow or add each other as friends and see the latest status updates their friends make, in they're news feed with one difference: everything your friends write regardless of its language are translated to your language and written below it. believes that those, who are deprived from the gift of sight, should be able to share thoughts with other people from all around the world. Themultilife speaks every translated sentence out, so everybody, and with everybody we mean everybody in the true sence of the word, will be able to use it. You can take a look at the screenshot below if you want to know how it works.

In this example the text has been posted in English and my chosen language is German. By clicking the button Show Translation to German, the translation will be shown and by clicking the Speak button the translated text will be read. You can post status updates, pictures and videos which are uploaded on YouTube. For more information please feel free to contact us at

I'm sorry that some languages are not supported on this website.That's because Microsoft Translator does not offer translation to these languages. I hope this website will be able to start its own translation system and we will be supporting more languages in the near future with your help. is searching for partners and investors. If you are an investor or if you think you could become involved in this website please contact us at
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