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Online Safety can be a fun place to connect with friends, create content and exchange ideas but its important to remember that when using or the Internet in general what you post could embarrass you or expose you to danger. Here are some common sense guidelines you should follow when using or the Internet: Protect your information. Use the privacy settings to control who can visit your profile. Remember that if you don't use privacy features, anyone can see your information. Always be mindful not to post information that would make it easy for a stranger to locate you. Never meet with strangers. Avoid getting together with someone you meet online. If you must meet an online friend arrange the meeting in a public place, during the day and bring a parent along. Photos: Think before posting. Avoid posting photos that allow people to identify you (for example, when they're searching for your high school) or contain especially suggestive images. Before uploading a photo, think about how you'd feel if it were seen by a parent/grandparent, college admissions counselor, or future employer. Check comments regularly. If you allow comments on your profile, check them often. Don't respond to mean or embarrassing comments or emails. Delete them, block offensive people from commenting further and report the abusive person to Also, never respond to emails from strangers that ask personal questions. Be honest about your age. Our membership rules are there to protect people. If you lie about your age will delete your profile. Trust your gut if you have suspicions. If you feel threatened by someone or uncomfortable because of something online, tell an adult you trust and report it to the police and

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